Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Menstrual Cycle over

My coworkers cycle has officially ended. I feel victorious in some strange sense. Feel pretty good for not losing my cool and not kissing his ass. I read this on a friends facebook and its pretty much words to live by:

Wage a clean war.
The wise person can be driven to war, but not to a dishonorable one. Act like the person you are, not the way they make you act. To behave magnanimously towards your rivals is praiseworthy. You should fight not only to win power but also to show that you are a superior fighter. To conquer without nobility is not victory but surrender. The good man does not use forbidden weapons, like the ones he acquires when he breaks up with a friend. Even when friendship ends in hatred, don't take advantage of the trust that was once placed in you. Everything that smacks of treachery is poison to your reputation. Noble people shouldn't have even an atom of baseness. Nobility scorns villainy. You should be able to boast that if gallantry, generosity, and faith were lost in the world, they could be found again in your own breast.

Good stuff.

On another positive note, my daugher officially thinks I'm insane. We got to this level in Super Mario Galaxy where mario is upside down, thus causing the controls to work "backward". If you wanted to go left, you had to push right etc. He was on a timer and had to run this course without getting squashed, without a second to spare. This was extremely difficult for me because I could not control Mario. I was so frustrated, I finally jumped out of my chair, stuck my ass in the TV's face and put my head down between my legs and played upside down. Finished the course on the 1st try!! Meanwhile, the entire time this is happening, Juliet is sitting in the beanbag next to me yelling "Mooooommm, are you insane? Moooooooommm, are you crazy!???"....HA HA!! After I beat the damned level, we high fived each other and then laughed our asses off.

Ah....quality time.

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