Thursday, August 26, 2010

You want *pic* of fries with that?

Random observation of the day: Taking Juliet to Mcdonalds...of course...I pay with cash, which in of itself is a rarity these days. Paid the drive through attendant, and he typed in the amount of $$ I gave him and coins came rolling out of a coin dispenser. No longer have to count change. Proof the movie Idiocracy is Nostradamus-esque! I heard, and dont know if this is true, that they have pics of the food on the register so you dont have to know how to read to operate the register either.

Queue Mcdonalds theme song "do do do do doooo...We're lovin it"....not.

Friday, August 6, 2010

A couple of Sandras Favorite pics..

WHAT!? Two posts in one day.

I was cleaning out my computer and came across these 2 pics.

Diagram A is a picture of me on a day that the circumference of my bra and the waistline of my skirt were too tight, rendering me into an animal balloon.

Diagram B is a picture of the fat on the back of my neck, once again, rendering me into an animal balloon.

Diagram C is an animal balloon.

RIP Lavadora

My washing machine went out. My entire life I have compared 2 people growing old together as a "washing machine and dryer"...In the sense that when one of them dies, the other one is usually right behind it. I hope that is not the case for me.

Dear Appliance Gods and/or Saints,
If you spare my dryers life, I will forever change my analogy. From now I on, I will describe an elderly couples simultaneous death with the words "when it rains it pours"...or "thats fucked"
